
Raspberry Pi ユーザーガイド買ってきました。(I've bought a user's guide of Raspberry Pi)

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Raspberry Pi ユーザーガイド買ってきました。(I've bought a user's guide of Raspberry Pi)

Raspberry 財団のEbenさん著による、ユーザーズガイドです。http://www.impressjapan.jp/books/3374 
"はじめに"の章で、なぜRaspberry Piを作ったのかを熱く語っています。
It is a user's guide by the founder Eben of a Raspberry foundation. 
It is being told hotly why Raspberry Pi was made from the chapter of the "Intorduction"  

確かに、スマホの設定や、オンラインゲームの攻略、DVDレコーダーの使いこなし… どれも子供たちにはかなわない。
マイクロソフトオフィスの奇麗なレイアウトや、プレゼンテーションも… 若手社員にかなわない。
How much is there any child who can make programming and an easy electronic circuit in children these days?  
I do not match children about how to use a setup of smart phone, capture of an online game, and a DVD recorder. 
And clean layout of Microsoft Office, presentations, good will towards the younger employees than me.

でも、それって10年後に何の立つの? って、漠然に思っていました。
But, Is it something useful after 10 years? I thought so.

The time when I was a child, My friend was reading "KODOMO NO KAGAKU (the child's science)".  I attached the antenna to the roof of a house and heard foreign broadcast.I played with Citizen's Band with my friend.Although it was the country, when I went to the town, there were the several electronic-components stores.And,In the store, there was a coil and transistor, and amateur radio that I was longing.It was in an environment ideal for me.

A time flows, 
Using the PC, moved to age to use to buy the software from the age of handmade soft. and,
It is not good for anything in the role may study binary, those who learned how to play the border in EXCEL can do than that.
People with the same idea have increased in number.  

Therefore, I did not teach a my daughter how to use a soldering iron. 
(As another reason, they were not interested in electronics. ) 

Raspberry Pi がある。

But the children in 2013 have
Raspberry Pi,and
He(She) can buy electronic components with RS online shop.  and
People who do not have senior who advise the neighborhood, he(she) can ask a question online.


I feel the future is bright.
I will try hard within limits where I can also do it.  

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